Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

My Big Event took place in Boston, Massachusetts. My article was released in January of 2013, so that is the time period in which I searched for articles.

Local News Stories:
On January 16th of 2013, Boston Public Schools organization held a committee meeting discussing providing "better programming" for students with disabilities. Additionally, this organization released a guide for parents and students choosing a Boston public school, outlining many things, including special education services.

National News Stories
President Obama was inaugurated the same month the main article of my controversy was released. In his speech, he mentions reforming schools Also, the U.S. Department of Education "clarifies" new guidelines regarding schools allowing students with disabilities to participate in school athletics.

Global News Stories
In January of 2013, the Education World Forum discusses possible changes in how technology can be integrated into schools, among other changes. Also at the Education World Forum, Charles Clarke asks for English political parties to come together for the sake of education reform.

Many of the stories I found related to my controversy. I found it very interesting that the Boston Public Schools organization released a guide to choosing the best public school the very same month Amy Mackin released her article about pulling her son out of these very schools. In addition, the inauguration of President Obama could have given the author some hope that things might change regarding special education services all around the country. Lastly, I don’t think that any global news stories affected my controversy hugely; however, the Education World Forum showed that there are issues around the world regarding education and how it should be reformed.

"Boston Public Schools" via

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