Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

ITS OVER. After four weeks of stressful procrastinating, I have finally turned in Project 1 and am not moving on to Project 2. Here we go...

I am feeling alright about it. I feel like I got everything in there that I needed to, but I'm not sure if it was in the best way possible. After writing and researching about this controversy for four weeks, I am worried that the tone of my piece sounded very dull and tired. However, I am glad that I researched as much as I did. I feel that I am an expert on this topic and I hope that it shows through my piece.

On one of peer reviews, someone commented that my piece didn't flow as naturally as it could have, and I completely agreed with them. When I went back and revised, I tried to reevaluate how I wanted my QRG to look and sound, and made it less structured. I am hoping this helps with the fluidity of my piece, but I am still worried about how it sounds.

The strengths of my project include using the elements of the QRG to my advantage. I really wanted to use graphics to illustrate my point, because from experience I tend to look at pictures more than read paragraphs. I also wanted to include important quotes from significant sources and make them larger so even if someone doesn't read the whole QRG, they will read the most important points and understand what I am trying to say. Also, I felt that I researched my topic well. All of the important stakeholder's were present, and I feel I connected my main story to the bigger picture well using graphics and other tools.

My time management could've been better throughout this project, but it also could've been worse. I think I put enough effort into the QRG, but I think I just struggled managing it with my other classes. I am an English student, but I am also a Chemistry, Biology, and Psych student, among other obligations. Organizing all of my assignments in between classes and meetings was really difficult for me. Having 8 blog posts, studying for a chem test, and completing a bio project all on my to do list for one week easily makes me feel overwhelmed.  I think in the future I need to actually schedule out my time AND STICK TO IT. Instead of just "Oh, I'll do that on Saturday," I should say, "Oh, I'll complete at least 3 blog posts on Saturday afternoon from 2-4." If I do that with all of my assignments, it should prevent me from procrastinating (I hope).

"Time Management" 4-21-14 via

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