Sunday, April 10, 2016


Here is my Reflection for the week.

The successes of this week were actually sticking to my schedule. It felt good to actually start my essay. Once i started, it was easier to figure out exactly how I wanted it to be organized. I actually ended up going back to my content outline and changing it so it made more sense to my audience.

The challenges of this week included actually starting my essay. Oftentimes, this is the hardest part for me, mostly because I never know where to start. With big research papers like this, there is a lot of research involved, and figuring out where to start and how to organize everything can be difficult sometimes.

Next week will be a little harder I think, because more and more research will be involved as I progress further into my essay. But I will also be writing the portion of my essay that reflects on my own experiences with reading the series and growing up with the movies, so I am excited for that.

Overall, I am feeling pretty okay right now about this project. I am a little nervous about getting it all done because there is so much research involved and I have many classes to complete assignments for. But I am excited about the topic so I hope that it will make it go by faster. I'm glad I picked this topic, because even with the research I've done so far, it seems like a worthwhile topic to study.

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