Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11a

For this production report, I wrote my Introduction to my Standard College Essay on the casting of Hermione in the sequel to Harry Potter.

Content Outline: Intro
The recent casting of Hermione in the stage production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the much-anticipated sequel to the legendary Harry Potter Series has sparked quite the conversation across the internet. Why? Because Noma Dumezweni was cast. And no, people weren’t upset about her acting ability or worried about how she would play a grown-up version of the beloved character. Many fans were concerned about her skin color. This actress was born in Swaziland, a country in southern Africa is Black, and the Hermione that the fans know from the original film adaptation of the series has a pale complexion. Do fans have a right to be upset? Or should they accept this as a stab back at the popular controversy over the lack of diversity in Hollywood? The issue gained popularity after several stars boycotted the Oscars after many of the nominees were white. Since then, there has been much debate over why Hollywood has a lack of diversity, and what to do about it. Can a casting like Hermione help solve this issue?

1. The conventions of this genre allows me to say what I want to say clearly and concisely. Because this form does not typically include pictures, I have to make sure that my words are getting the right message across to my audience.  I haven't come up with a title yet, and I am a little worried about that because I am not really that creative. But we'll see. 

2. The production of this material actually went smoothly. I know that this is a very rough edit, and that this section (along with the rest of my first draft) will require a lot of revising. I am planning on making it longer, but I wanted to write the rest of my essay first and see if this is the way I want to open it up. But overall, it's looking good.

1 comment:

  1. This is crazy behind schedule but it’s been a rough few weeks. So, after reading your “Production Report 11a” I have some thoughts:

    First of all, I love your topic. It’s engaging, relatable, and relevant. So many people have so many opinions about this so not only is it easy to talk about, it’s a great public argument because there must be endless counter arguments to choose from.

    You introduce the topic really well. From reading your intro, I understand where the conflict came from, why the conflict exists, and the context of the situation. I am left wondering why you care about this topic. What is your connection? Why are you interested? What drew you to this topic? Does it have to do with your major? Some life experience? Your love of Harry Potter?

    I also really enjoy that you ended the paragraph with a question. It it a really great transition. It looks like your essay is going to be really interesting. (:
