Tuesday, March 8, 2016


It feels a little weird already doing a reflection on pre-production week, but I figured it can only help me in the long run. 

There were several successes this week, including organizing my time for the next deadline and actually planning out my podcast. After my interviews, I was left with a half an hour of just audio that I didn't really know what to do with. After making the content outline, I have a better idea about how I want my podcast to be set up. Another success would be finding genre examples to include in my podcast. While the interviews are important, the focus of Project 2 is to analyze the actual genres of my field of interest.

I have two separate genres I will be talking about in my podcast. It was very easy to find examples for one of them, I haven't been successful so far in finding examples for the other one. I think this week I will try looking through the library or different internet searches to find specific examples of the SOAP notes. Most of what I found online showed the acronym SOAP with the definition of each letter, but not really a specific example from a patient. 

I think if I stick to my Production Schedule, then everything should be fine. However, I am sick right now, and my voice is completely gone. If my voice doesn't come back by the time I am supposed to record, I may have to rearrange some things on my production schedule. But I am hoping that I will be all healthy again in a few days, so everything will work out.

I think I will feel better after I actually make the podcast, but I do feel good that I have half of my genres and all of my interviews completed. I have almost all of the pre-project things done, and I've done all my research, so now I just need to actually make the thing. I am also feeling a lot less stressed out due to the reduced number of blog posts, because it gives me more time to research and work on the actual project. Overall, I am feeling good about this project.

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