Saturday, March 5, 2016

Content Outline

I wasn't too sure how to set up this podcast, specifically because I have never produced a podcast before. But I have listened to some, and my understanding of it is that it is kind of like telling a story. So I wanted to tell my audience everything I knew about this topic, but in an organized way so it was easy to follow and digest. 


  • Into music
  • Introduce topic
  • Why I am interested in this field
  • Introduce interviewees
Body (1)

  • SOAP Note
  • Explain SOAP note
  • play audio from Jenny/Ivan explaining soap notes
  • Why it is important
    • record keeping
  • Find 2 online examples
  • Link examples in description of podcast
Body (1)

  • Academic Journals
  • Explain typical set up of academic journal
    • what kinds of things are published
  • Mention and give a brief background about two major journals
    • 1 in OT, 1 in PT
    • link both in description of podcast
  • How do therapists use academic journals?
    • Play audio from Jenny about reading Academic Journals
Body (1)

  • Why are these types of genres important?
  • SOAP
    • record keeping
      • helps keep track of how patient is progressing and what do continue doing.
    • allows for communication between collegaues
    • insurance
      • play audio from Jenny 
        • explains how these notes can benefit insurance companies
        • important because it deals with the finance aspect of the OT world
  • Academic Journals
    • makes it easier for OTs across the country keep up with the latest research in their field
    • allows researchers to publish findings of studies to advance their field
Closing (1)

  • Why are different genres important?
  • What interviewing meant to me
  • What advice Ivan/Jenny gave to me
  • Why this field is important
    • it improves the daily lives of disabled or injured people across the country in terms of being able to take care of themselves and perform daily activities by themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good here. The main thing I'm still wondering about your outline is: What specific features or conventions will you be looking at in each genre example? Will they be the same across the examples? Will they change from example to example or genre to genre?
