Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

Here is the link to my Rough Cut, I will be reviewing the intro, so from 0:00 to 0:45.
Here is the link to my re-edited version. I will be reviewing the Intro, so from 0:00 to 0:45.

For this section, the content was similar; however, the intro for the rough cut is boring and monotone. I hope that for the second re-edited version that it is a little bit more interesting and will get the reader to continue to listen. I was nervous about recording the intro (and recording in general) because I wasn't sure what to say, but I hope that this is effective.

In the re-edited version, I added happy music to the background which enhanced the podcast a lot. Without the music, the podcast was boring and uneventful, but the light ukulele adds a bit of excitement to the recording. I am very happy with how this music turned out. I hope it will make people listen to the whole recording, as opposed to just bits and pieces.

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