Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9a

Here is the link to my Rough Cut, and the section I will be reviewing is the first half of the first body section, so from 0:45 to 1:45.  

Here is the link to the re-edited version, and the section I will be reviewing is from 0:45 to 1:45.

The content was largely the same; however, I did re-edit how the interviews fit into the podcast. I didn't really introduce my interviewees very well, so I'm happy with how the re edited version came out. This way, my audience wont be confused when someone else just randomly starts talking about something. 

The form changed slightly, because I added music to the background. I think this makes the podcast as a whole more interesting, and makes viewers more likely to continue to listening. I really like how this turned out, but I am a little worried about it being too loud and overpowering my podcast, especially during the bits where my interviewees are talking. Overall, I am very excited about how this sounds and am looking forward hearing everyone else's podcasts.

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