Sunday, March 27, 2016


It's done! Project 2 is finally done. And here is how I'm feeling about it.

Some successes this week included teaching myself how to use Audacity and properly import the audio from my interviewees. It was a learning process all week, and I am happy I actually figured it out. I was also happy that I completed my entire script, which made recording it super simple and sounding nice. The hardest part was inserting other audio from interviews, but I did it.

Some challenges this week included time management (as usual). Coming back from spring break and having Easter weekend in one week was a little much to handle, but I am glad that I got it all sorted out. I think in theory the production schedule I made would have been helpful, but I just have to stick to it. I think for next time I will have to designate a specific time in my schedule to get every little thing done and force myself to stick to it. Or have my roommate force me. That might work better.

Next week we are starting a new project, and I am excited to start new. It will be refreshing to work on something else. I am excited because I am doing a College Essay, which is something that I think I can do really well. I have a lot more experience with those than I do with podcasts and video essays.

Overall I am feeling very relieved that I am done. It has been a long time coming, but I am happy it is finally completed. Now I just have to hope for a good grade!

Peer Review 9b

I peer reviewed Cheyenne Garcia's podcast, which was untitled. It discussed journal articles,book chapters and book reviews in the Spanish field. I will be making a recommendation about form.

This rough cut effectively uses tone and inflection in her podcast. She sounded genuinely interested in not only her field, but everything that her interviewees said. It didn't sound rehearsed or boring, which is refreshing, and something I could learn from when making my own podcast. 

This rough cut presents the information she found very well. She reports from her interviewees by quoting them and talking about what they had discussed, as opposed to simply putting in audio from her interview.

If available, I would suggest that she make her podcast a little shorter. Although she may have gotten a ton of information from her interviewees and genres, she may want to narrow it down to the most important information. She may also want to add fun music in the background. This would make the podcast more lively and exciting, and make it more likely for her audience to listen to the whole podcast.

Peer Review 9a

Editorial Report 9b

Here is the link to my Rough Cut, I will be reviewing the intro, so from 0:00 to 0:45.
Here is the link to my re-edited version. I will be reviewing the Intro, so from 0:00 to 0:45.

For this section, the content was similar; however, the intro for the rough cut is boring and monotone. I hope that for the second re-edited version that it is a little bit more interesting and will get the reader to continue to listen. I was nervous about recording the intro (and recording in general) because I wasn't sure what to say, but I hope that this is effective.

In the re-edited version, I added happy music to the background which enhanced the podcast a lot. Without the music, the podcast was boring and uneventful, but the light ukulele adds a bit of excitement to the recording. I am very happy with how this music turned out. I hope it will make people listen to the whole recording, as opposed to just bits and pieces.

Editorial Report 9a

Here is the link to my Rough Cut, and the section I will be reviewing is the first half of the first body section, so from 0:45 to 1:45.  

Here is the link to the re-edited version, and the section I will be reviewing is from 0:45 to 1:45.

The content was largely the same; however, I did re-edit how the interviews fit into the podcast. I didn't really introduce my interviewees very well, so I'm happy with how the re edited version came out. This way, my audience wont be confused when someone else just randomly starts talking about something. 

The form changed slightly, because I added music to the background. I think this makes the podcast as a whole more interesting, and makes viewers more likely to continue to listening. I really like how this turned out, but I am a little worried about it being too loud and overpowering my podcast, especially during the bits where my interviewees are talking. Overall, I am very excited about how this sounds and am looking forward hearing everyone else's podcasts.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers


Production Report 8b

Production Report 8a

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


It feels a little weird already doing a reflection on pre-production week, but I figured it can only help me in the long run. 

There were several successes this week, including organizing my time for the next deadline and actually planning out my podcast. After my interviews, I was left with a half an hour of just audio that I didn't really know what to do with. After making the content outline, I have a better idea about how I want my podcast to be set up. Another success would be finding genre examples to include in my podcast. While the interviews are important, the focus of Project 2 is to analyze the actual genres of my field of interest.

I have two separate genres I will be talking about in my podcast. It was very easy to find examples for one of them, I haven't been successful so far in finding examples for the other one. I think this week I will try looking through the library or different internet searches to find specific examples of the SOAP notes. Most of what I found online showed the acronym SOAP with the definition of each letter, but not really a specific example from a patient. 

I think if I stick to my Production Schedule, then everything should be fine. However, I am sick right now, and my voice is completely gone. If my voice doesn't come back by the time I am supposed to record, I may have to rearrange some things on my production schedule. But I am hoping that I will be all healthy again in a few days, so everything will work out.

I think I will feel better after I actually make the podcast, but I do feel good that I have half of my genres and all of my interviews completed. I have almost all of the pre-project things done, and I've done all my research, so now I just need to actually make the thing. I am also feeling a lot less stressed out due to the reduced number of blog posts, because it gives me more time to research and work on the actual project. Overall, I am feeling good about this project.

Production Schedule

I really enjoyed creating this schedule because I already feel more organized. I was really unsure about how to go about doing this podcast (still am) but I feel better now that I have an idea of how I want it set up. I still really don't want to listen to my own voice for an entire afternoon while editing this but hey, there are worse things.

Date: 3-9-16
Time: 6 pm
What is being done: Writing script for podcast
Location: Study room in my dorm
Resources required: Content Outline, all genre examples, interview audio
Date completed: 3-9-16
Changes made after completion: Any changes to genre examples, if finding ones that are better examples.

Date: 3-10-16
Time: 7 pm
What is being done: Recording Opening and First and second body section
Location: Arbol de la Vida Study room
Resources required: Microphone, script, content outline, editing software, laptop, genre examples,
Date completed: 3-10-16

Changes made after completion: any editing, maybe find intro music to add to the beginning

Date: 3-11-16
Time: 3 pm
What is being done: Recording Third body section and Closing
Location: Arbol de la Vida study room
Resources required: Microphone, script, content outline, editing software, laptop, genre examples,
Date completed: 3-11-16

Changes made after completion: Editing, closing music

Date: 3-12-16 and 3-13-16
Time: 3 pm
What is being done: Editing entire podcast
Location: My bedroom in Phoenix
Resources required: raw audio from recording podcast, interview audio, editing software, my laptop
Date completed: 3-13-16
Changes made after completion: Any final editing touches, adding music, smoother transitions. Making it sound professional.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Content Outline

I wasn't too sure how to set up this podcast, specifically because I have never produced a podcast before. But I have listened to some, and my understanding of it is that it is kind of like telling a story. So I wanted to tell my audience everything I knew about this topic, but in an organized way so it was easy to follow and digest. 


  • Into music
  • Introduce topic
  • Why I am interested in this field
  • Introduce interviewees
Body (1)

  • SOAP Note
  • Explain SOAP note
  • play audio from Jenny/Ivan explaining soap notes
  • Why it is important
    • record keeping
  • Find 2 online examples
  • Link examples in description of podcast
Body (1)

  • Academic Journals
  • Explain typical set up of academic journal
    • what kinds of things are published
  • Mention and give a brief background about two major journals
    • 1 in OT, 1 in PT
    • link both in description of podcast
  • How do therapists use academic journals?
    • Play audio from Jenny about reading Academic Journals
Body (1)

  • Why are these types of genres important?
  • SOAP
    • record keeping
      • helps keep track of how patient is progressing and what do continue doing.
    • allows for communication between collegaues
    • insurance
      • play audio from Jenny 
        • explains how these notes can benefit insurance companies
        • important because it deals with the finance aspect of the OT world
  • Academic Journals
    • makes it easier for OTs across the country keep up with the latest research in their field
    • allows researchers to publish findings of studies to advance their field
Closing (1)

  • Why are different genres important?
  • What interviewing meant to me
  • What advice Ivan/Jenny gave to me
  • Why this field is important
    • it improves the daily lives of disabled or injured people across the country in terms of being able to take care of themselves and perform daily activities by themselves.

Report on My Interviews

My interviews went well. Both of my people were more than willing to work with my schedule and were very open when I talked to them. Both interviews took about 20 minutes, and I got the chance to ask them some of my own questions when I was curious about how their job works.

Both of my interviewees talked about SOAP notes. These are the write ups they fill out after they meet with a patient. It discusses how the patient felt during the appointment, an objective evaluation from the OT, an assessment of how the patient is doing overall, and finally a plan for what is to come next. Also, Jenny Allen discussed reading from Physical Therapy and Athletic Training Journals. Lastly, Ivan Aranguren talked about promoting the use of occupational therapy through newspaper articles.

The SOAP notes are shorter and are usually written for other Occupational Therapists, so the language can be advanced when describing future techniques. These are very personal and are usually kept in the person's file or shared between therapists. The Academic Journals are also catered towards professionals in the field, but can be accessed by those who are not. They are also usually presenting large studies done in the field, as opposed to single private cases. The newspaper articles Aranguren was referencing are usually opinions, but always promoting the use of OT. Because they are printed for the public, the language is usually relatively simple, omitting terms used in the field that people who are not trained wouldn't understand.

The SOAP notes can be difficult depending on the patient. Overall, because OTs write them so often, they can be simple, but if the patient is being difficult or isn't progressing the way they should, the OT might have to change something about their plan through the SOAP note. The articles written for the Academic Journals are challenging because they have to be unbiased. They are presenting studies done, which includes explaining methods, results, and discussing the findings without promoting one thing or another. The newspaper articles are easier to write, but they still need to effectively promote OT services without it sounding like an advertisement. If it sounds like a certain clinic just wants a person's money, then no one is going to use their services, which is ineffective. If the article sounds genuine, then people are much more likely to listen to what the article is saying.

SOAP notes are generally hard to find because they are so private; however, if I search the internet long enough I can probably find some. Many Academic Journals are available online, as shown earlier in this deadline. This is in the academic media. The newspaper articles are probably either found in popular or social media, depending on how they are published. The ones that Ivan Aranguren were talking about are probably in the popular media.