Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

For this production report, I will be writing out my script for my video essay for the third body paragraph about personal care

Rough cut:
In terms of taking care of myself, I learned some interesting things. For example, if I get less than 5 hours of sleep, I will be cranky and I will need a nap at some point. And while making memories by talking to your friends at 3 am might sound like a good idea at the time, sometimes sleep should be a higher priority. This semester has been a process of learning how much my brain can handle when it comes to amount of hours typing out blog posts, or studying for chemistry, or researching a bio presentation. In addition, living on campus means that my food options are a little limited. Most of it consisted of eating out every day with things that weren't the best for my health. But hey if its cheap, within walking distance, and fills up my stomach it will do. My lack of a consistent sleeping schedule, healthy food, and procrastination has stressed me out quite a bit this year, and is something that I legitimately need to work on before it affects my grades or my health.

In terms of form, I want the audio of my video essay to be professional and well put together, and I think this is the first step to doing that. If I write out exactly what I want to say and how I want to say it, I think the production of the video aspect of it will go a lot easier.

The production of this raw material went a little easier than I expected. I was worried about how I wanted to reflect on everything I did this semester for this class, but it came more easily than I expected. The main challenge was communicating exactly what I wanted to say to my audience.

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