Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15a

For this editorial report, I will be revising my second body paragraph about new experiences through 109H.

Selection from Rough Cut:
Throughout this semester, this course has pushed me into new experiences. Now I don't do too well with new experiences; they tend to give me anxiety if I don't know what exactly is going to happen. However, this class forced me to go outside my comfort zone. For the second project, I learned how to set up and conduct interviews. I learned the type of language to use in contacting professionals (and remembering that they are still people and I shouldn't be so intimidated). In addition, I learned how to dress and carry myself professionally when interviewing someone. These are all useful skills to have in the future, no matter how much anxiety I had when acquiring them. In addition, this class required me to teach myself how to use new technology. We needed to learn how to use editing software for both audio and video. This was extremely difficult for me, but hey now I know. Overall, these projects and genres forced me outside of my comfort zone into new experiences and gaining useful skills.

Link to re-edited selection from Video Essay

The content changed a little bit but not too much. I liked the way I had written about my experiences with technology and people. I added in a little bit more to show how I handled these challenges, but the rest of the content was the same.

The form changed because I actually recorded it. This was kind of difficult for me only because I am super uncomfortable and awkward on camera, but oh well. I did it!

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