Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

All done! Finally posting my last project. What a feeling.

Here is the link to my Course Final, a video essay of my reflection on this class.

Information for audience to know: This is my first time ever making a video and I was super nervous about it. I am already an awkward person so putting a camera on me just makes it worse. But I did my best, and hopefully it works,

Weaknesses: I think the video quality is struggling mostly because I recorded this on my laptop and edited it with an app I found. Also, I think that I am used to watching vloggers on YouTube that post videos that are amazing, but they are also literally professionals in their field. I have to remind myself that it isn't expected of me to be great or perfect at this, but here it is anyway.

Strengths: I think that I completed the assignment fairly well. Honestly, I could've been more awkward on camera so there's that. I like how I organized my content, and how I touched on the class itself, but also my experiences as a whole this semester.

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